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Tuesday 3 January 2012

2012 first-quarter sales

2011/2012 First Quarter Financial Information

In the first quarter of 2011/2012 financial year, Trigano sales reached €190.0 M, up 2.2% compared to last year.

(€M) From the 09/01/2011 to the 11/30/2011 From the 09/01/2010 to the 11/30/2010 Change(%)
Leisure Vehicles

Leisure Equipment

Leisure vehicles

In an economic context marked by a wait-and-see attitude from end customers, leisure vehicles activity is up 2.4% and shows contrasted trends. Motor caravan sales, up 4.0%, pursue their growth in the first quarter, while those of caravans are down 9.4%. Accessories sales resisted well and recorded 2.9% growth.

Leisure equipment

Leisure equipment activity is stable compared to last year. Trailer sales recorded a good growth in the quarter (+11.4%) reflecting the success of Trigano's products. Camping equipment (-32.5%) and garden equipment (-14.3%) activities are in low season and their performance is therefore not significant.

Financial situation

Trigano's activity in the first quarter has had no significant impact on its financial structure.


In a context of weak recovery of consumption in Europe, Trigano will remain watchful to the changes in the economic environment while pursuing actively its efforts to increase and consolidate its positions on its markets.

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