- Sustainable development
- Sustainable development
Social responsibility
As at 31 August 2020, Trigano had a total workforce of 8,595 employees.
Diversity and social mix
Trigano employs 2,194 women (which is 37 more than as at 31st August 2019), representing 25.5% of the total workforce, which represents an increase of over one base point compared to the previous year. The proportion of women employed at Trigano is higher than that recorded in the industrial world of metallurgy (21%) (Source: UNEDIC - Insee). Generally speaking, women are not very present in the assembly trades for leisure vehicles or trailer manufacturing (plumber, carpenter, electrician, welder, mechanic, etc…).
Training and qualifications
Workplace adaptation, safety, languages: Trigano offers various training courses for its employees, which are essential throughout their professional life.
Intergenerational work and length of service
The average age (slightly above 40) and the average length of service of the personnel (around 12 years) reflect the employees’ loyalty to the company.
Health and safety
Trigano is particularly aware of the importance of occupational health and safety, which forms an integral part of its risk management policy. In particular, investments are regularly made to reduce the loads carried by employees.
Equality of treatment and code of ethics
Principles and operating codes are implemented and applied consistently to all employees throughout the group. Trigano’s code of ethics in particular sets out the roles and responsibilities of each individual. Furthermore, Trigano has always striven to develop its business without granting excessive benefits to intermediaries, without financing political organisations and without distributing any remuneration to market decision makers.
Environmental responsibility
Nature conservation and respect for the environment are among the fundamental values which have long formed part of Trigano’s corporate culture. These values are inextricably bound up with its activity, which for more than 60 years has focused on outdoor leisure. Trigano’s pro-environmental activities involve in particular the development of environmentally friendly products, control of the environmental impact of its production activity and the reduction of polluting emissions from the use of vehicles.
Preservation of resources and management of environmental risks
In its production activities, Trigano strives to reduce its impact on the environment. The need to limit water consumption and liquid waste is a constant focus of attention, which is reflected in a significant fall in their levels each year. Trigano has also introduced checks in both the design and manufacturing stages in order to monitor and reduce the potential risks. Leisure vehicles are manufactured mostly with recyclable materials which are not harmful to the environment.
Compliance with laws and regulations
Trigano regularly monitors compliance by the business units with environmental laws and regulations. Particularly close attention is devoted to the use of hazardous materials, notably having regard to the REACH regulation, which covers the production, marketing and use of chemical products and aims to increase the protection of human health and the environment. Trigano continues to promote awareness of these issues among its business units.
Design and use of vehicles
Combating polluting emissions
Polluting vehicle emissions and fuel consumption are now key issues. In compliance with the relevant European standards (Euro 5), the equipment in new generations of motor caravans makes it possible to reduce fuel consumption by around 10%, cut particle emissions and reduce nitrogen oxide emissions. At the same time, Trigano is continuing its research aimed at reducing the unladen weight of vehicles and hence their consumption of fossil energy.
Optimum use of energy sources
Trigano greatly encourages the use of clean energy sources in meeting the energy autonomy needs of vehicles. In just a few years, the fuel cell has emerged as an appropriate solution for the supply of mobile, non-mains energy for leisure vehicles. Fuel cells are quieter, lighter and more economical than conventional generators. They allow electricity to be generated continuously and stored in the cell’s batteries, substantially increasing the vehicle’s autonomy, while remaining clean and free of disruptive emissions. Trigano also greatly encourages the use of solar panels.
Integration in rural and urban areas
Improvements to the conditions in which motorhomes are accommodated are a key concern for both users and local authorities. A dialogue must be maintained between manufacturers and local councillors in order to promote their integration in tourist areas.
From a legislative point of view, it is permitted to park motorhomes in the same locations as cars. Local authorities wishing to preserve sensitive sites may nevertheless restrict the parking of motor caravans, but such measures – which must be the subject of a bylaw – must be proportionate, justified and non-discriminatory, applying to all vehicles of the same overall dimensions, mass and weight. In any event, general and absolute parking prohibitions are proscribed by law.
Furthermore, the use of motorhomes gives rise to major economic effects. It plays a part in the development of local tourism and fulfils a developmental role in spatial planning by opening up rural areas and allowing a spreading of tourist traffic, which is still highly concentrated in the summer period.